Porsche wins dealer survey again

Porsche has the most satisfied car dealers in Germany according to the Schwacke MarkenMonitor. In a survey, Porsche repeated its double victory of last year.

The Institute of Automotive Business (IFA) at the Nürtingen-Geislingen University in collaboration with the market research company puls Marktforschung GmbH was requested by EuroTax Schwacke to survey over 1,000 managing directors of car dealerships throughout Germany. Once again, dealers voted Porsche number one in the overall rankings of the automotive trade in Germany. The company also took first place in the “niche brands” segment. There was a notable increase in dealer satisfaction with ROI which was rated at an average mark of 2.75 in 2015. This year, the figure improved to 1.72.

“The double victory in the MarkenMonitor survey is an important accolade for us,” explained Dr Jens Puttfarcken, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche Deutschland GmbH. He attributes the buoyant mood to direct contact between Porsche Deutschland and the dealer organisation. “There is close consultation before many operational and strategic decisions and this creates the basis for collaborative partnership.”

(l.-r.) Thorsten Barg, country manager of Schwacke GmbH, Dr. Jens Puttfarcken, chairman of Porsche Deutschland GmbH, Thomas Henrici, chairman of Porsche dealer association, Prof. Dr. Stefan Reindl, deputy director of IfA-Institut
The award handover at Bietigheim-Bissingen

An exchange based on trust with all 85 Porsche Centres on the German market is doubly important, said Puttfarcken. “Good communication between dealers and the manufacturer is also good for customer satisfaction.”

All survey results: schwackepro.de.

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Consumption data

911 GT3

  • 13.8 – 13.7 l/100 km
  • 312 – 310 g/km
  • G Class
  • G Class

911 GT3

Fuel consumption* / Emissions*
Fuel consumption* combined (WLTP) 13.8 – 13.7 l/100 km
CO₂ emissions* combined (WLTP) 312 – 310 g/km
CO₂ class G
CO₂ class weighted combined G