Dr. -Ing. Jens Puttfarcken, President and CEO of Porsche China, said: "My sincere thanks to the Top Employers Institute for their recognition of Porsche China. Employees are the revving engine of corporate development and their happiness is the key to success. The achievements of Porsche China are inextricably linked to our talented employees. In the future, we will continue to uphold our ‘people-oriented’ philosophy and are committed to continuously improving the working environment and development opportunities for all employees of Porsche China.”
The Top Employers Institute is a global authority on recognising excellence in people practices. Established more than 25 years ago, the Top Employers Institute has certified over 1,500 organisations in 118 countries or regions. Top Employers Institute CEO David Plink said, “To become recognised as a Top Employer, an organisation will have to prove that the implementation of their people strategies enriches the world of work of their employees. Congratulations to Porsche China for becoming ‘Top Employers 2020’.”

In 2019, Porsche China's headquarters was relocated. The new headquarters in Shanghai’s Lujiazui Financial Plaza reflects the human resources philosophy and practices of Porsche China. The new headquarters provides all employees, departments and subsidiaries of Porsche China with a more digital and intelligent working environment. Its design concept is SPACE, which stands for: Smart, Passionate, Attractive, Collaborative, and Engaging. It aims to realise the full potential and creativity of Porsche China’s workforce and to foster exchange, collaboration, agility and innovation.
As reflected in the Porsche Strategy 2025, Porsche constantly strives to become “the most innovative and attractive employer”. Since entering the Chinese market in 2001, Porsche has been exceptional when it comes to laying foundations in terms of brand, product, the dealer network and customer services. With the steady development of Porsche China, the number of sales sites and vehicle deliveries has steadily risen over the past 18 years, as have the number of Porsche China employees – with more than 400 people employed by the end of 2018.