Sebastian Canaves has a yearning for travel in his blood. The professional travel blogger grew up in a small town on Majorca and during the course of his life has lived in eight different countries, among them Australia, the Netherlands and Thailand. But that is not all: at the age of 25 he has already visited all the continents and more than 60 countries. Travelling is an essential part of his life – and that is why he started his blog “Off the Path” in 2011. He reports of his adventures all over the world and provides his readers with inspiration and valuable advice for planning their trips and choosing destinations.

Exploring Germany in a Porsche Panamera

With his new travelling companion, a Porsche Panamera S, Canaves is now exploring the most attractive places in the north of his native Germany. Fully in keeping with his motto, this takes place “Off the Path” – far from the beaten tourist tracks. New insight is guaranteed. On the first day of his adventure, Canaves takes delivery of his Panamera – and the joy is written in his face for all to see. But why not take a look for yourself (video in German):

#PanameraAdventure – Day 1

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