What will the smart factory of the future look like? This is what 140 top managers from Europe, China, and Brazil came to find out at the Porsche factory in Leipzig. The internationally active management consultancy Porsche Consulting, a subsidiary of the sports-car manufacturer, had sent out an invitation to their Smart Factory Day. Albrecht Reimold, Member of the Executive Board for Production and Logistics at Porsche AG, used the new, fully electric sports car Taycan (which will celebrate its world premiere in September) as an example to give the guests from a variety of industrial sectors a glimpse into what the factory of the future will look like at Porsche in Stuttgart and Leipzig.

As Eberhard Weiblen, CEO of Porsche Consulting, accentuated, “smart” isn’t only used to refer to technology: “We cannot, and we do not want to, manage without people as employees. The future is all about cooperation between humans and machines. I am convinced that both can deliver far better results when they work together, rather than each on their own. Only when the singular intelligence of a human mind is combined with what seem to be the boundless opportunities offered by artificial intelligence will a whole new dimension emerge. And this combination will make the factory the backbone that carries the business model—regardless of which industry it is used in.”
Photos by Porsche Consulting GmbH