Porsche considered alternative body shapes to the classic five-door SUV for the Cayenne early on. Surprisingly, what might have appeared the least conventional option, a Cayenne-based convertible approximately 4.8-metres long, was not immediately discarded, but built once.
Porsche considered alternative body shapes to the classic five-door SUV for the Cayenne early on. Surprisingly, what might have appeared the least conventional option, a Cayenne-based convertible approximately 4.8-metres long, was not immediately discarded, but built once.
Porsche considered alternative body shapes to the classic five-door SUV for the Cayenne early on. Surprisingly, what might have appeared the least conventional option, a Cayenne-based convertible approximately 4.8-metres long, was not immediately discarded, but built once.
In 2002, there was still disagreement about the rear design and two different rear sections were designed for the Package Function Model.
In 2002, there was still disagreement about the rear design and two different rear sections were designed for the Package Function Model.
当车顶以像轿跑车一样的方式向后倾斜,挡风玻璃和 A 柱被缩短后,整台车的座椅是否还能保持舒适?作为双门车型,这个比 Cayenne 车门长了 20 cm 的新车门实用性如何?优雅容纳高质量的软顶是否具有可能性?还有,车尾该如何设计?2002 年时关于最后一个问题还存在分歧,所以总布置模型设计了两个不同的车尾。左侧的车尾灯被设置在较低的位置,而右侧则明显要高不少。