Porsche Cars Australia helps make Lottie’s dream come true

This year’s Porsche Virtual Run saw the Porsche Cars Australia team cover a combined distance of more than 4,000 kilometres, all to raise much-needed funds to help make some special wishes come true.

In September and October this year, the Porsche Cars Australia team participated in the inaugural Porsche Virtual Run, a global event held by Porsche AG to raise funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.

Porsche’s Australian team ran a combined 4,064 kilometres during the event, a distance equivalent to the cross-continent journey from Porsche Centre Sydney South to Porsche Centre Perth.

Their efforts contributed significantly to the impressive global result, which amounted to 67,560 kilometres run by all Porsche markets and more than EURO 200,000 in funds raised, with Porsche Cars Australia adding extra support with a separate $10,000 donation to Make-A-Wish Australia.  

Make-A-Wish Australia: Making Lottie’s dream come true

Make-A-Wish Australia creates inspirational, life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. Since 1985, they have granted more than 10,000 wishes – and one of their latest is for a young girl named Lottie.

Lottie was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis when she was only six weeks old. Her condition is ever-present and requires her to keep up a tough regime of physiotherapy and exercise.

Mum Emma and dad Peter are determined to keep her life as normal as possible. They’ve always been open about Lottie’s cystic fibrosis, knowing it is a part of their lives.

“We never tried to hide it,” Emma said.

“Sometimes Lottie had to go into hospital for tune-ups. And she would miss school when she had a cold or flu as those things are a bit more serious for kids with cystic fibrosis.”

Helping Lottie stay active and motivated is her love of horses.

Lottie’s wish is to have her very own horse to love and care for, and to help her achieve her dreams.

Despite having cystic fibrosis, she was sitting on a horse about the same time she was sitting in a high chair.

Growing up on farms, Lottie was only aged two when she started riding a miniature Shetland pony. She had a horse called Whiskey for most of her childhood and currently rides her aunt’s horse, Muzza.

As Muzza will soon return to his owner, Lottie’s wish is to have her very own horse to love and care for, and to help her achieve her dreams.

Lottie jumping

Lottie will miss Muzza when he’s gone. She often goes to talk to him and cuddle him.

“Muzza is like a therapy dog, but he’s a horse,” she said. “It’s just nice being with someone, even if it’s a horse.”

Lottie wants to get into eventing, which combines country jumping, show jumping and dressage all in one. And she dreams of competing in the Olympics.

“I’m hoping this horse will help to get my eventing career started because it’s something I’d really like to do when I’m older,” Lottie said.

“It’s my favourite hobby more than any other sport and having my own horse will really help me achieve my goal.

“I’m looking forward to taking my horse to school so he will be with me everywhere. I really don’t mind what breed he is as long as he can jump!”

“Seeing Lottie’s dream become reality is very special." Daniel Schmollinger, CEO of Porsche Cars Australia

Mum Emma said the day Lottie’s horse arrived was “just fantastic and a step forward” in her journey.

“For Lottie, there was motivation, excitement and a little bit of adrenaline knowing the horse was coming,” Emma said.

“He’ll be a companion that will be with her for years. As Lottie said, it’ll be like having a little therapy dog, but instead it’s a very special horse.”

Supporting Make-A-Wish Australia to help make Lottie’s dream come true has been an inspiration for the Porsche Cars Australia team.

“Seeing Lottie’s dream become reality is very special,” said Daniel Schmollinger, CEO of Porsche Cars Australia.

“Lottie’s story is inspiring. Together with Make-A-Wish Australia she’s brought our team together and it’s a privilege to be part of this memorable moment.”

The Porsche Cars Australia team were delighted to contribute to Make-A-Wish Australia

About the Porsche Virtual Run

2021 was the first year of the Porshe Virtual Run. Traditionally conducted as the annual six-hour run at Porsche’s company headquarters in Zuffenhausen, Stuttgart, but postponed due to Coronavirus restrictions, this year’s event brought together Porsche offices from around the world.

The aim of this global event is to enable the international Make-A-Wish Foundation to fulfill the dreams of as many seriously ill children, teenagers and young people as possible.

Globally, more than 2,300 Porsche employees ran a total of 67,560 kilometres, with the Porsche Cars Australia team contributing 4,064 kilometres, a distance similar to the span between Porsche Centre Sydney South and Porsche Centre Perth.

About Make-A-Wish Australia

Each and every day, Make-A-Wish® Australia brings amazing people together to grant life-changing wishes for children with a critical illness. Wishes are designed to complement medical treatment, supporting families and empowering sick children with hope and joy when they need it most. And for everyone involved, wishes have a remarkable, uplifting and positive impact – well beyond the wish itself.

To learn more about Make-A-Wish Australia and to contribute your support, visit https://www.makeawish.org.au/.

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