Triathlete Piontek trains suppliers

In his free time, Fabian Piontek is usually in analog mode. In his career, by contrast, the industrial engineer and partner at Porsche Consulting has set a course towards digitalization.

Long-distance training rides on the bike, training runs and swimming in the pool or lake – good condition in all three disciplines is a must for the triathlete. A strong will motivates Fabian Piontek in training and drives him in races. His next goals: Ironman Kraichgau, Challenge Roth and Ironman Barcelona.

In his career, the partner at Porsche Consulting focuses on digitalization. Piontek, specialized in automotive suppliers, sees great opportunities for companies that begin to think and act with an eye to the future today: “The digital transformation is changing suppliers' business models. It calls for completely new partnerships and additional skillsets.” Why? “For example because the emergence of electromobility has made electrics and electronics area even more important. Connectivity issues such as the connected car and autonomous driving are creating enormous demand for sensors, radar systems and cameras.”

Another possibility is that completely new infrastructures, such as the network or stations for charging the batteries of electric cars, could become part of the business models of suppliers that had nothing to do with charging devices in the past. Piontek: “Business executives now have a dual role. They must boost their efficiency in order to free up capacity and budget resources to pursue digital innovations in a timely manner.”

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