An important part of the American Porsche history are the customers of the brand and most of all, the Porsche clubs. Their enthusiasm and loyalty have made them into genuine brand ambassadors. With more than 115,000 members, the Porsche Club of America (PCA) is the largest association of Porsche drivers and the largest single brand club in the world. Divided into 13 zones and 143 regions, the PCA offers its members a highly diverse programme relating to Porsche with more than 3,500 events every year.
An enthusiastic response
The PCA met for the first time on September 13, 1955. Twelve Porsche owners came to the meeting in the US capital of Washington, DC. By January of the following year, the Club had already grown to 190 members. Interest of Porsche owners in the newly founded club organisation was enormous. Porsche drivers from regions outside Washington D.C. were also interested.
The enthusiastic response led to the club expanding nationwide at the beginning of 1956. One of the success factors of the PCA without a doubt was its excellent organisation right from the start. At the first constitutional meeting, resolutions were already adopted concerning the club's coat of arms and membership fees. Then, in December 1955, the first edition of the club magazine "Porsche Panorama" was published.
Annual trip to pick up a new Porsche
Shortly after the club was established, close contacts grew between the Zuffenhausen plant and the PCA. On September 28 in 1958, 86 American Porsche Club members travelled on a chartered plane from New York to Stuttgart to take possession of their new cars of type 356 A. Over the following decades, the annual trip to pick up a new Porsche personally at the birthplace of the Stuttgart sports car became a PCA tradition.
In February 1961, the Club had 2,524 members in 46 regional clubs all over the USA. In the ensuing decade, the Club continued to grow. In 1965, the PCA reached a new record with 3,468 members and 59 regional sub-clubs. Ten years after its foundation, it had become the largest Porsche club organisation in the world.