as of: 18/03/2022

The content of this webpage includes information originally published as part of the company’s 2021 Annual and Sustainability Report, which has not been updated since such publication and, as a result, may no longer be up-to-date. Further, other content on this webpage may also be out-of-date.

Sales, production and procurement


Numerous trade magazines and independent studies confirm the high quality of Porsche’s products and services and its above-average customer satisfaction levels, the latter being due among other things to its customer relationship management (CRM) programmes. The company systematically focuses on the customers’ wishes and requirements at all stages of the customer journey. 

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2021 was another year full of challenges. Total production was 300,081 vehicles, which corresponds to an increase of 14 per cent compared with the previous year. For the first time, vehicle production at both sites was entirely balance-sheet CO₂-neutral as the Leipzig site followed in the footsteps of the main plant, which had already switched to balance-sheet CO₂-neutral production in 2020.

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The Procurement department is a key interface at Porsche. Its purchasing volume exceeded nine billion euros in the last financial year, equating to approximately 80 per cent of the company’s value creation. Procurement therefore has a significant influence on environmental protection and sustainability beyond the factory gates. 

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