"With the communications around this new image, we want to awaken in customers the feelings that they already associate with their classic Porsche," says Ulrike Lutz, Head of Porsche Classic. "Porsche Classic stands for much more than high-quality original parts and restorations. We want to inspire and encourage our customers and fans to keep their dream car alive." The aim of the new campaign is to strengthen people’s identification with the brand. At the same time, it aims to intensify the bond with the Porsche community and the lifestyle that goes with it. This reorientation of Porsche Classic culminates in the ‘Caretakers of Dreams’ identity. Porsche is thereby systematically implementing its ‘Driven by Dreams’ brand purpose in this area of the company as well.
The ‘Caretakers of Dreams’ film, created for the new campaign, exemplifies how emotions are at the heart of Porsche Classic communications. A whole new visual realm, with more than 150 appealing depictions of all the vehicle types and model ranges looked after by Porsche Classic, has also been created. "The images are more editorial, more natural and therefore more authentic than before," says Simone Beutel, Marketing and Communications Specialist at Porsche Classic. "The human component is particularly important, moving away from the classic as a purely owned object to the unique feeling it conveys to its owner."

Porsche is using the newly developed content for all of its own marketing and communications formats, such as printed material, the Porsche Classic website and social media channels. The new communications strategy and corresponding content will also be reflected in product communications.
Relaunch of the Porsche Classic magazine ORIGINALE
The successful Porsche Classic magazine, ‘ORIGINALE: Teile, Typen, Technik’, which translates as ‘ORIGINAL: Parts, Models, Technology’, has also been conceptually revised and adapted to the new focus. The new issue, ORIGINALE 07, is now available free of charge from Porsche Classic partners and Porsche Centres.
"ORIGINALE is the communications flagship of Porsche Classic. In total, we have given more than 375,000 copies of the first six issues to customers and fans worldwide. It has become a collector's item. That's why it was important to us that the magazine should be easily recognisable even after the redesign," says Maike Schelling, Marketing and Communications Specialist at Porsche Classic. "We carefully developed the concept further during the relaunch. ORIGINALE is now easier to read, both in terms of the way the subjects are presented and in its layout. The readers of the magazine should therefore perceive Porsche Classic in an even more emotive way and thereby feel an even stronger connection with the brand."
As before, the cover shows an original part, but now with a three-dimensional effect. The title motif and text are centred. The most noticeable changes in the inner section are the now two-column instead of four-column pagination and the integration of several larger images. This gives the layout a clearer structure and makes the articles easier to read.
The editorial provides an easy and emotive introduction to the magazine. It features personalities who are enthusiastic about classic Porsches and who have a connection to the main theme of each issue. Three ‘Hero’ products are presented in each edition. This section of the magazine continues to be the heart of ORIGINALE. Full-bleed photographs introduce the stories and present the three products in an extraordinary way.
The main themes of ORIGINALE 07:
- The cover features the overrider for the original 911, which is now available again as a reissue.
- The spine of the magazine is based on the original Polo Red 6602 B Porsche colour. This was the colour of the first 911 S Targa delivered in Germany. Since its factory restoration in 2020, this early 911 has shone in new splendour and the magazine reports on its faithful rebuild.
- Lara, also known as @thatporschegirl, is featured in the editorial. Her 911 T from 1969 is the highlight here.
- Presenter and racing driver Eve Scheer, Onassis brand founder Tom Gädtke and coachbuilder Patrick Reile present the three ‘Hero’ products in this issue: boot lid, air duct and overrider for the F-Model.
Some 1,000 randomly selected copies of ORIGINALE 07 contain a golden ticket. The lucky readers who find one will receive an ORIGINALE collector's edition free of charge, quoting the numerical code printed on the ticket.
About Porsche Classic
Porsche Classic aims to preserve and maintain legendary vehicles and the latest classics. Decades of experience with classic Porsche vehicles make the experts the right contacts when it comes to original parts, restoration and repair.
In principle, Porsche Classic takes over the care of vehicles 10 years after their end of production. The experts are therefore currently looking after the 356, 911 (up to and including the 996 generation), 912, 959, 914, 924, 944, 928, 968, Boxster (Type 986), Carrera GT (Type 980) and the first-generation Cayenne models (Type 9PA). That's a total of more than 870,000 cars. The first point of contact for customers with historic Porsche vehicles are the, currently 79, certified Porsche Classic partners worldwide, including four Porsche Classic centres.
Factory restoration represents a key business area. This includes the restoration, repair and overhaul of customer or museum vehicles. Crucial to keeping the large number of classic Porsches on the road is the second business area, which is original parts and accessories. With the production and provision of more than 60,000 Porsche Classic original parts, Porsche ensures that its legends will be on the road for a long time to come. Since 2013, there have been new issues of more than 2,000 original parts, and the range is growing steadily. The Performance Parts range is a new addition. This category includes new developments with historical relevance, components that serve to enhance performance, and lifestyle products. Technical literature is also available: more than 1,000 operating and instruction manuals, repair guides and the ‘Types, Dimensions, Tolerances’ (TyMaTo) brochure can be obtained from Porsche Classic.