Porsche in the capital market

Stock price and overall market

The most important stock indices, such as the German stock index DAX, the European EURO STOXX 50, and the global MSCI World Index, continued their trend upwards in the reporting period, building on strong performances in the previous year. Inflation fell significantly over the course of the year, which prompted leading central banks to announce their first interest rate cuts in 2024. The European Central Bank (ECB) brought an end to its restrictive monetary policies with an initial interest rate cut in June, followed by three more in September, October, and December. The American Federal Reserve followed suit and lowered its interest rate in September, November, and December. This created a palpable tailwind for global stock markets, which, with regard to the STOXX Europe 600, benefited companies in the banking, insurance, telecommunications, and media sectors in particular. Negative factors, such as the confrontations in the Middle East and the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, had at best a short-term negative impact on the performance of the stock markets and investors, for the most part, tuned out.

The DAX grew by a significant 18.8% in 2024, rising above 20,000 points for the first time during trading hours on December 3. The MSCI World Index also performed well with growth of 17.0%. On the other hand, the STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts (SXAP) and S&P Global Luxury indices—both of which are of relevance to Porsche—fell by 12.2% and 2.5% respectively. Following a strong start to 2024, Porsche’s preferred shares were unable to maintain their upward momentum. The sluggish rollout of electric mobility in Europe, high regulatory hurdles, and slowing demand for luxury goods, especially in China, created considerable headwinds over the course of the year. At the same time, the comprehensive modernization of four out of six series in the model range, which involved corresponding investments and costs, led to a decrease in the return on sales. The peak price of Porsche’s preferred shares was €95.24 on April 11, 2024, compared to the lowest price of €57.22 on November 21, 2024. The year-end price of €58.42 corresponds to market capitalization of around €53.2 billion. In 2024, the average daily trading volume of Porsche preferred shares was around €99 million.

Stock price development in 2024

Index 100


The Executive Board and Supervisory Board of Porsche AG are going to propose a dividend of €2.30 per ordinary share and €2.31 per preferred share to the Annual General Meeting, which is set to take place on May 21, 2025. In this case, a total of €2.1 billion will be distributed to shareholders, subject to the approval of the shareholders. For notes on Porsche’s sustainable dividend strategy, please refer to the condensed version of the → Porsche AG HGB financial statements (condensed version).


Stock prices

Year-end price1



Year high1



Year low1



Key stock indicators

Earnings per ordinary share



Earnings per preferred share



Total number of shares




Market capitalization (Dec. 31)

€ billion



Average daily trading volume

€ million




Dividend per ordinary share



Dividend per preferred share



Amount paid out

Mrd. €



Payout ratio




1 Each share price is the closing price on Xetra at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

2 Proposal for the Annual General Meeting by the Executive Board and Supervisory Board.

Share capital and Shareholder composition

The subscribed capital of Porsche AG, in the form of no-par bearer shares, consists of a total of 911 million shares, of which 455.5 million are unlisted ordinary shares and 455.5 million are listed nonvoting preferred shares. Each share has a theoretical interest in the share capital of €1. Consequently, this amounts to €911 million.

The interest of Volkswagen AG, which indirectly holds 75.0% minus one of the ordinary shares through Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH, remained unchanged in the reporting year, as did the interest of Porsche Automobil Holding SE, which indirectly holds 25.0% plus one of the ordinary shares. Of the nonvoting preferred shares, around 75.8% is indirectly held by Volkswagen AG via Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH, and around 24.2% is in free float (as of December 31, 2024).



1 Volkswagen AG indirectly holds its shares via Porsche Holding Stuttgart GmbH.

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting 2024 was held on June 7, 2024. Held virtually for the first time, it was attended by around 2,000 shareholders, shareholder representatives, and media representatives. One hundred percent of the voting capital was represented. The shareholders approved all proposed resolutions unanimously. In particular, the items on the agenda included the distribution of a dividend of €2.30 per qualifying ordinary share and €2.31 per qualifying preferred share as well as the official approval of the actions of the members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board. Furthermore, the shareholders approved the system of remuneration for the members of the Executive Board and the remuneration report. They also accepted the proposals of the Supervisory Board concerning the necessary Supervisory Board elections and the appointment of the auditor of the annual and consolidated financial statements.

Dialog with the capital market

The Executive Board of Porsche AG and members of the Investor Relations department maintained a constant, trusting dialog with investors and analysts in the reporting period. They joined national and international market players in a number of discussions and explained the business model of the company as well as its current development and outlook. The dialog took place by phone, on videoconferencing platforms, and in person either in Zuffenhausen or on the premises of the institutional investors themselves. After the publication of each set of current figures, the Executive Board of Porsche AG was involved in direct dialog with the most important investors at road shows in New York, London, Atlanta, Shanghai, and Frankfurt. Additionally, numerous other road shows and a series of interviews with analysts and investors were held at the headquarters of Porsche AG in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, at Porsche Experience Centers, and at the home of Porsche Exclusive Manufaktur. Likewise, international events were an opportunity to hold workshops with analysts and investors, including the dealer launch of the Macan in Singapore, the “Icons of Porsche” event in Dubai, and a special “Product Day”, held by Porsche at Silverstone, in the UK. These focused on both new products and new technology, as well as Porsche’s business in overseas and growth markets and its individualization strategy.

Notification of directors’ dealings in accordance with Article 19 of the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

Type of transaction
Aggregated volume in €
Price in €

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche

Supervisory Board


27,920.00 €

69.80 €

Jun. 13, 2024

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche

Supervisory Board


30,104.80 €

68.42 €

Aug. 2, 2024

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche

Supervisory Board


13,456.00 €

67.28 €

Aug. 5, 2024

Dr. Wolfgang Porsche

Supervisory Board


19,494.00 €

64.98 €

Sep. 10, 2024

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