Spojrzenie w przyszłość
Uczelnia w Pforzheim na kierunku Transportation Design uczy projektowania pojazdów. Podążając śladami Michaela Mauera, absolwenta szkoły i obecnego dyrektora ds. wzornictwa w koncernie VW, studenci drugiego semestru w ciągu tygodnia wykonali swoje pierwsze projekty: szkice przyszłego Porsche 911. Porównanie perspektyw.
km 038–060
3. Weissach
4. Pforzheim

Melina Mühl:
“It all happened intuitively, extremely so. I didn’t want to maintain restraint, but rather be bold.”
„W moim projekcie nowej jedenastki stawiam na podkreślenie zaokrągleń. Ważny był dla mnie opływowy kształt i wyeliminowanie zbędnych krawędzi”.

Wolność umysłu:
Creativity, courage, and individual exploration were the main focus of the one-week project. Therein lies the charm, according to instructor Gernot Bracht. “Diving into something without preconceptions, without being part of an established system—that’s the appeal. To really delve into the matter, to find very different ways of addressing it. Everything starts with a pencil and a piece of paper—and then by pure chance you might end up telling a story.”
Bo Zhang:
“Cars these days are often excessively complicated and laden with detail. The 911 is an exception. It’ll always take a classic approach. So if I were to do a redesign, I’d keep the main lines. I wouldn’t want to change much. Instead, I’ve tried to elicit even more power. My main aim was to maintain the highlights of the 911.”
„Umiarkowanie ma znaczenie: linia Porsche 911 jest bardzo precyzyjna, piękna i jednocześnie prosta”.

David Kose:
“There’s an extreme downward slope at the rear of my design. The main idea behind it is that taillights will no longer be needed in the future, because communication in semiautonomous traffic won’t take place using lights. I also wanted to base my design on the 919: vertical headlights signal a strong departure from tradition.”
Larissa Imhof:
“The rear of the 911 is of paramount importance to me, because that’s where the engine is located. So this area radiates power and is where the design music is played.”„Z 911 wiąże się wiele emocji, nadziei, marzeń, oczekiwań”.

„Chciałam zdobyć się na coś nowego – szybko wpadłam na pomysł, żeby odpowiednio wyprofilować 911, spojrzeć w przyszłość – prostą, a zarazem pełną luksusu”.

Kyungwon Kim:
“A spoiler element was added as an integral part of the conically tapering rear. Plus higher fenders, because driver assistance systems could soon make perfect all-around visibility superfluous.”
Janis Riehl:
“The dark areas are of symbolic significance: the driver’s compartment, the electronics strip, and the traditional location of the rear engine. With the capsule-shaped rear I wanted to highlight the idea of lightweight construction. That was a priority especially for the first 911s, although it has faded somewhat into the background today.”