8.600 Euro bonus for Porsche employees

After the most successful year in the history of the company, employees working at Porsche AG will receive a gross voluntary bonus amounting to 8.600 euros.

The Executive Board and the General and Group Works Council has agreed on this. The bonus consists of two components: 7.900 euros will be paid owing to the excellent corporate result and for the particular performance made by the work force in the previous financial year 2014. 700 euros will be given as a special contribution to the Porsche VarioRente (company pension scheme) or a private pension fund.

The 2014 financial year was marked by the launch of the Porsche Macan as the second SUV in the model range. As a result the sports car manufacturer increased its deliveries compared to 2013 by about 17 per cent to almost 190,000 vehicles. Turnover rose by one fifth to just under 17.2 billion euros and the operating result increased by a good five per cent to 2.7 billion euros. The bonus for the year 2014 will be paid to about 14,600 employees at Porsche AG with adjustments for personal working time and if employees joined the company during the year.

Porsche CEO thanks all employees

For Matthias Müller, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG, the ongoing success despite the difficult competitive environment is not taken for granted at all. Rather, it is the result of exceptional team achievement. "I would like to thank all employees most sincerely for their performance. Once again they did a very good job last year. Of course we should not be lulled into a sense of false security by the success of 2014 – and we should definitely not rest on our laurels. On the contrary, during the current financial year and in the coming years, many new challenges await us and we will have to meet them face on."

"Our special contribution of 700 euros to our highly attractive Porsche VarioRente is an innovative opportunity to continue expanding the employee-financed old-age pension plan," stressed Thomas Edig, Member of the Executive Board Human Resources and Social Affairs and Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche AG. "Together with the performance-related company-financed  pension scheme, we offer a retirement package which strengthens our position as an attractive employer both now and in the future."

Uwe Hück: "Our employees are as unique as our cars"

Uwe Hück, Chairman of the General and Group Works Council, said, "Our employees are as unique as our cars. They have achieved a tremendous amount and as a reward there is now a record bonus. But one thing is clear, this is not a present from the employer. The team worked hard for it. They earned it." Hück also emphasised the special characteristic of Porsche, its locations and its employees. "Nowhere else is productivity and flexibility as high as in our company. We Porsche employees are a good advertisement for the company. This is something that should never be forgotten when assessing the site in Zuffenhausen and its potential for the future."

Hück is proud of the fact that all tariff employees will benefit from the bonus. "No matter whether an employee works in production or in an internal service department, all workers and engineers will receive the bonus." Part of the bonus this year will also be paid into the company pension scheme. Hück added, "This is an important contribution and sets an important signal to secure employee retirement. Good profits and social responsibility are not opposites."

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Consumption data

911 GT3 (2023)

  • 13.0 – 12.9 l/100 km
  • 294 – 293 g/km
  • G Class
  • G Class

911 GT3 (2023)

Fuel consumption* / Emissions*
Fuel consumption* combined (WLTP) 13.0 – 12.9 l/100 km
CO₂ emissions* combined (WLTP) 294 – 293 g/km
CO₂ class G
CO₂ class weighted combined G